Ariana Grande’s Sweetener World Tour Allows Fans to Register to Vote


Ariana Grande continues to impact the world with another creative and innovative idea. The 25 year old artist has partnered up with HeadCount to allow her fans to register to vote during her Sweetener World Tour.

According to CNN, “Fans can register at Grande’s concert, but can also text ARIANA to 40649 to register, volunteer, contact legislators or get a reminder on their 18th birthday to register to vote.”

Head Count is a national nonprofit organization that teams up with musicians to promote participation in democracy throughout the United States. The organization posted on Twitter “Together, we designed #thankunextgen, a program to help Ariana’s fans make their voices heard,”

Ms. Grande started off her world tour in Albany, New York. Many fans reacted to this idea positively on Twitter. @maggieJOK tweeted “@arianagrande put out a PSA to get out the vote before her concert and I’ve never screamed so loud for democracy in my life.”. #THANKYOUVOTE”

This is such a great way to use your influence. Great Job Ariana Grande #thankunextgen

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By: Tiffany Langhorne