Chicago Police Ask Victims to Come Forward Following “Surviving R. Kelly” Docu-series


Bombshells around the Lifetime docu-series “Surviving R. Kelly” continue to drop as police officials in Georgia and Chicago begin to look into some of the accusations made in the series. 

Since its airing a nearly a week ago a case has been opened with the Georgia Police department and police department in Chicago is asking for those who are victims of the alleged sexual misconduct to come forward. 

One of the many allegations made in the series was that Kelly had close contacts with people in the Chicago Police Department, who would tip him off about upcoming welfare checks at his studio. While the Chicago police have yet to confirm any of the accusations they still hope that witnesses will come to officials with any information that can be helpful stating “There is nothing more important to CPD than integrity, accountability and the highest of professional standards; While we do not have any current complaints of misconduct, we strongly encourage anyone who may have information about wrongdoing on the part of officers to please contact Internal Affairs or the external Office of Police Accountability or Chicago Inspector General’s Office so these matter can be independently investigated.”. 

All the while R. Kelly and his team plan to fight back by “exposing” his accusers. According to TMZ, he and his team are in the process of launching a website named “Surviving Lies” to debunk and discredit his accusers. The site even had its own Facebook page where they posted videos that contradicted some of the girl’s claims. The page however was recently removed “violating [our] community standards,” according to a representative for Facebook. 

Plenty of fans and celebrities have plenty to say in regards to the accusations made many of which support the victims. Only time will tell what the overall outcome will be for the singer but, at this point things seem to be bleak with people around the world calling for the singer to be arrested.

By: Latayla Branson