You Go Gurl! Trauma Therapist Dr. Anita Phillips Shines a Light on Mental Health at ThisIsILS 2022


Dr. Anita Phillips is a nationally-acclaimed trauma therapist, life coach, and minister. After speaking at the Bishop T.D. Jakes International Leadership Summit I think it’s clear that Dr. Phillips has the ability to impact the life of everyone she speaks to.

In additional to hosting “In the Light” Podcast, Dr. Phillips has been speaking in ministry shining a light on mental health and spending her career blending faith with individual and group therapy. “I love to see people gather in groups who are dealing with some of the same issues, and share those issues with one another” Dr. Phillips exclusively tells JaGurl TV, “gathering together as a group you take care of one another, and thats what we were made for”.

At the summit Dr. Phillips spoke on the panel Structural Support: Helping People to Help Each Other along side Cheryl Luke, Johnny & Jeni Baker, and Jimmy & Irene Rollins. “Our responsibly as leaders, as christians, as a people is to build a strong emotional well-being structure, and it can be done. It is work because we are covering constantly from falling” says Dr. Phillips.

Day 2 of the summit Dr. Phillips held it down on the main stage opening the morning session. Her words spoke fire into the crowd as she ministered on the importance of understanding mental health as a leader. “The same thing thats pulling you up, is the weight on your ballon”, she said to the crowd of thousands, “and when its acting like a weight, it becomes a problem”.

Dr. Phillips has consulted many individuals and groups dealing with depression, anxiety, grief, addiction, and child sexual abuse. It’s women like Dr. Phillips that sets examples for women of all colors to change the world one step at a time.