Future’s Non Profit The FreeWishes Foundation Provides Mask For Healthcare Professional During COVID – 19 Pandemic


With the continuous spread of COVID-19 also known as the Coronavirus in the United States, many entertainers are taking their part and helping in anyway they can, including Atlanta’s own rapper Future.

Future’s non-profit FreeWishes Foundation has partnered with the Atlanta Sewing Style to provide mask for healthcare professionals as the supplies gets lower and lower everyday.

“We recognize how alarming and critical the need is for medical equipment, so we have stepped in to help, by ensuring that masks are provided to healthcare professionals and patients, currently hospitalized.  Healthcare professionals, on the frontlines of this pandemic, are possibly risking their lives.” the foundation stated in their press release. “Last week many healthcare professionals and providers pleaded out to the nation for help, as they were experiencing an extreme shortage in medical supplies. In many instances, healthcare providers were asked to re-use masks or even wear bandanas as a replacement.”

The foundation, along side Atlanta Sewing Style has organized a team of over 500 sewist to create, cut, sew and deliver the mask. Co-Founder Tia-Wilburn Anderson, who is also Future’s sister, made it known that pandemics like is what fuels the foundation, “It is important to my brother, Future and I that we are of service to our community, especially during this pandemic and throughout the year. This is why our family created the foundation”

You can donate to the FreeWishes Foundation by clicking here. Your support and contributions will help them meet their goals and increase the amount of mask that they are able to give to healthcare professionals.