Our Daily Mantra : I AM Grateful


Today’s mantra: I AM grateful for my life. I AM grateful for the people that are in it and I am exactly where I am supposed to be. As you continue your journey of life just take the time to say, “thank you”. Thank God, thank the universe, thank those who have helped you, thank the experiences that have pushed you. Be aware it has taken a village to get you where you are right now, and you are not in this alone. This is because you have put God in the center of everything.

William Arthur Ward said, “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” Expressing your gratitude can make you happy and excited for the future. Gratitude is the secret to getting motivated towards your goals so make it a part of your daily ritual. Gratitude for the small wins in your life is what will push you to appreciate everything and from there you can be in control of your happiness. Be the light that shines bright on everyone’s life.

By: Imani Kerr