You Go Gurl! Meet Robin Wilson of Clean Design Home


Robin Wilson, a pioneer in eco-friendly design, sustainability and hypoallergenic issues, is an Austin Texas native who took her struggle with allergies and created a multi-figure lifestyle wellness brand.

The entrepreneur and founder of Clean Design Home has entered a world in design where she can provide eco-conscious, clean design and anti-allergen products stemming from her own personal experiences. “I think everyone that has a successful business as an entrepreneur, they have to do what’s authentic to them, their speed, or as one might say ‘their neighborhood experience”

Wilson has partnered with West Point Homes, which is the largest textile producer in the world. Wilson told JaGurl TV that they are, “focused on both hospitality, and residential and providing everything from the sheets, to the towels, to the bathmats, and all the things in between.”

Eco-friendly products became the perfect avenue for Wilson who has experienced these things first hand growing as the ‘kid with the Kleenex’. “People don’t realize that 1 in 5 people, that’s 60 million American’s suffer from allergies and from the communities of color, goes under 1 in 3.” she continues, “we’re talking about asthma, allergies, eczema.”

The saying “you have to pay top dollars for quality” doesn’t apply to this brand. Wilson explains why she makes her products affordable. “It was critically important to find something that would be appropriate for wellness, but also to make sure that it was affordable.”

With Wilson being the second Black woman to have her product line sold in Bed, Bath & Beyond, she reflects on a time where she faced adversity stepping into this business. “I remember going into a VC or private equity meeting with some people, and this one woman literally insulted me so much. I said, never will I ever humiliate myself again.” she goes on to say, “she goes ‘well I don’t know any brands that look like you.'” At that moment Wilson knew something had to change, “I said ‘are you saying there’s no consumer of color in America?'”. But this did not stop Wilson’s momentum.

That gave Wilson the continues momentum to not only keep going, but to let the numbers speak for themselves. From there, Wilson went on to make the Ink Magazine’s top 100 female founders list, signed another licensing deal, and her company Clean Design Home was featured on Ellen DeGeneres. Not to mention, her product number and sales went through the roof!

In the mist of it all, Wilson released a book entitled ‘Clean Design’ with tips and tricks on how to “detoxify and beautify your interior spaces and to help you create a more stylish and healthy home.” During the interview, Wilson opened about about a special chapter in her book (pg. 59) titled “Grandmother’s Cleaning Solutions” where she explains how you can clean your home with everyday products that you have in your home. “It has everything from baking soda, toothpaste, to vinegar, all non-toxic solutions for your home.”

Clean Design Home is also doing something special for the holiday season. The company is selling a box of pillows between quantities of 8 and 10 for 1 flat fee that can be shipped to your home. “How beautiful would that be, you can wrap it up, put a bow on it, give it to someone you really love.” says Wilson.

Wilson is the definition of hard work pays off as she does not let fear of success get in her way. “You have to say yes, go for it, work all night if you have too, and just do it,” she adds, “don’t own your fear of success”.

You can check out Clean Design Home products here and find the perfect gift for the holiday.