The Art of Self-Discipline


The definition of self-discipline is the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it. For us to operate in the best manner, we have to create a system of self-discipline. It is always great to have a support system around you but no one wants you to be successful more than yourself.

Self-discipline is an act of loving yourself, which in return helps build confidence, character, and a sense of structure in your life. With temptation all around us this is not an easy thing to master but it is important to find methods that work for you. The goal is to cultivate self-discipline in a healthy and happy way.

It is important to break down your goals into smaller parts so that they are easier managed. The habits you create will determine how successful you are with keeping yourself on track. Accept that the self-discipline is your responsibility and yours alone. Commit, develop routines, and be self aware of your downfalls (if you have any). According to, “Contrary to common belief, self-discipline does not mean being harsh toward yourself, or living a limited, restrictive lifestyle. Self discipline means self control, which is a sign of inner strength and control of yourself, your actions, and your reactions.”

Make a list of your goals and start at the beginning of the week when your are making a lifestyle. It is believed that starting anything on the start of the week does help. From there block your temptations and be okay with the life changes feeling different. Remember, you got this!