Tyrese Gibson Opens Up About Overcoming Colorism


GRAMMY nominated singer Tyrese Gibson gets real and opens up about the challenges that he has faced growing up having a darker skin tone on an up and coming episode of TV One’s show Uncensored.

“I had never felt a piece of handsome,” he admitted in the episode preview clip. “I had never felt a piece of being cute. I had never heard compliments throughout my childhood. I never got any attention from the ladies.” 

Gibson admitted that his career and success gave him the confidence he once didn’t have. “And after I had that moment, it did more for my confidence than you could ever imagine because it was a high that I would hope to experience for the rest of my life,” he said. 

Uncensored features the intimate lives of some of TV’s biggest stars, this series explores and allows many personalities to tell their story own stories of the challenges and success throughout their lives. In this episode, Tyrese elaborates more on this topic and how it has shifted his perspective.

This episode featuring Tyrese Gibson will air Sunday, September 13 at 10 p.m. ET/9 Central.