You Go Gurl!: Angela Lewis Launches Virtual Basketball Academy Brings Girls Together During the Pandemic


Angela Lewis, former professional basketball player, coach, and author, began a basketball training company to develop girls as leaders on and off the court. 

However, when the CDC mandate forced gyms to close in March, the in-person academy was halted and parents wanted their daughters to remain active and a part of the basketball community. 

In response to this unprecedented situation, the Angela Lewis Virtual Academy was launched. It now includes weekly live sessions, training videos, expert interviews, mentoring, and additional resources specifically for girls. 

Getting girls involved in physical activity is critical, according to a recent study by the Women’s Sports Foundation, the lack of participation may have adverse effects on girls’ mental health, physical health, and sense of self.

“It was incredible to see the girls from different parts of the country working on their game and supporting each other through this difficult time. They know we will be here for them and we care about them beyond basketball,” said Angela Lewis. 

As the world enters the next wave of the coronavirus pandemic, it is important to note an article from Harvard School of Public Health reporting that children are experiencing worsening mental health problems during the pandemic. 

“The virtual academy helped my daughter improve her skills and be a part of a group. It is really important to me that she learns the game from someone that has already been where she wants to go,” explained Erica Mitchell.

The Angela Lewis Virtual Academy is available for individual players and high school girls’ basketball teams. The Virtual Academy encourages team camaraderie and provides support if the teams have to quarantine during the season. 

The cost is $100 per team or $50 per individual player for the year.  The availability of vaccines and reopening of in-person play will not stop the Virtual Academy. “It will continue to be a significant part of our training and development programs because we can have a positive impact on girls globally.” Angela Lewis

Angela Lewis Basketball’s goal is to reach 10,000 girls globally over the next three to five years through their programs. 

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